Client- Mifflin County, PA 
Brief- A system of way-finding signage was to be designed for a new trail being built as an extension to the Rothermel trail in Lewistown. It will play a crucial role in guiding and assisting the visitors to key locations along the path. This community asset will also act as a foundation for developing a unique brand for the trail as well as a guide for new trails in the future.
Project Objectives-
1. Designing a unique way-finding system for a river trail and neighboring areas
2. Developing a unique brand identity helping it to stand out and attract new tourists
Design Approach-
The design approach includes: 1. Designing a unique brand for the trail synonymous with adjectives like - organic, natural, sustainable, welcoming. 2. Preparation of a detailed map for the trail included in the trailhead signage placed at the beginning of the trail. 3. Secondary signs along the route with illustrations of a tree/flower/animal which are seen along the route in order to make the visitors excited about the trail.​​​​​​​
Logo Mark
Some of the options which the client liked as well as the one which was ultimately finalized-
The logo consists of an icon and a word mark. The icon is minimal and sharp and stands for the river trail. Colors have been considered carefully in order to represent the three aspects of the brand- nature, river and the trail. The word mark is the name of the trail and uses the Aestetico Informal (Extrabold) font.
Logo on a light and black background
Reversed and single color
Horizontal version
Signage Design
Educational posters

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